The "Down and Dirty 30" Workout

If you're looking to change up your workout 1-2 times during the week and want to improve your endurance and get a good caloric burn, try this workout. The Down and Dirty 30 will challenge your muscles, cardiovascular system and test your grit!

30 Reps, 3 rounds, 30 minutes. Run to the top of the stairs after each round. DB = dumbbell. 

  1. DB (med. wt.) Front Squats (30 total)

  2. Side-to-Side Hops (30 each side)

  3. DB (med. wt.) Curtsy Lunges (30 total)

  4. Tuck-Jumps (30 total)

  5. DB (light-med. wt) Reverse Flys (30 total)

  6. Sumo Squat Jumps (30 total)

  7. Spider-Man Plank (30 total)

  8. DB (med. wt.) Push-Press (30 total)

If you have questions about this workout or want special instruction on how to do this workout, book a complimentary Fitness Training session or email me at

Aeron Jarvis
BHC Trainer & Training Manager