Summer Pre-hab Workout

Sumo Squat with Rotation

Sumo Squat with Rotation

Stay injury free this summer by incorporating these functional exercises into your routine!  Mobility is essential to performance as well as efficiency in movement. To perform at your highest level, corrective exercises should be performed in your training.

  • Plank: 3x 45-60 seconds

  • Side Plank: 3x45-60 seconds/side

  • Bird dog band-resisted: 3x8/side (resistant band with handle)

  • Mini band lateral walks: 3x15/side (place band above the knee)

  • Mini band squat: 3x10 (place band above the knee)

  • Superman Holds: 3x 20 second hold

  • Spiderman lunge: 3x 20 second hold/side

  • Sumo Squat with rotation: 3x5 sec hold/side (sit in the bottom position of a squat, both heels on the ground, wide knees)

Quinn Brasel 
BHC Trainer

Spiderman Lunge

Spiderman Lunge

Bird Dog with Resistance Tube

Bird Dog with Resistance Tube