Maximize Your Turns For The 2021/2022 Ski Season

Ski season may still be a few months away (unless you’re doing turns all year), but it’s never too early to start preparing your body for those beautiful snowy slopes! I designed this workout with skiing on the brain in the hope that it will help you get more out of your ski season while taking less of a toll on your body.  Pair this workout with plenty of cardio training and stretching to maximize your turns for the 2021/2022 season and to help with injury prevention.

Here is the routine:

5:00-10:00 Cardio Warmup

5:00 Dynamic Stretching

Lateral Band Walks (3 sets of 30 steps with a mini loop around the ankles)

Single Leg TRX Squats (3 sets on each leg, modify by squatting down to a step up box to make it easier or to relieve knee pain)

Lateral Leg/Knee Drops (3 sets, modify by bending the knees while keeping the feet off the ground, or rest feet on the ground for further modification.)

Single Leg Deadlifts (3 sets each leg, add weight to the opposite arm to increase resistance if needed)

Balance Trainer Squats with Rotation (4 sets, use one of our many balance trainers at the gym to put a focus on stability)

If you want help with this routine email to set up a session and I’ll make sure you’ve got it down. Happy Skiing!

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WorkoutsBallard Health Club