6 Strategies to Prevent Overindulgence

Did you know that the average American adult gains, on average, 5 pounds over the Holiday Season? If you want a better chance of not becoming one of these statistics this Holiday Season, here are some simple strategies to help you not overindulge at festive holiday gatherings.

  1. Do not fast all day before going to the dinner/party. If you show up on an empty stomach chances are pretty good you will over-indulge. Instead, have a high fiber lunch, such as a hearty veggie salad with protein and top it with plenty of extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar, prior to the party. The fiber will satiate you and tone down the hunger signals to your brain.   

  2. If hitting the gym is not an option the morning of the event, set a non negotiable time to go for a 30-45 minute brisk walk before the event. If at all possible, go for a 10-15 minute walk after eating your meal. This will help your muscles absorb the glucose in your blood stream and will prevent the “crash” after a meal. 

  3. Have a generous handful or two of nuts on the way to the party. Choose nuts high in Omega 3 oils such as walnuts, pecans, macadamia nuts, almonds, pistachios, or hazelnuts.

    **A note on nuts: try to stay away from the “mixed nut” variety at the party. They are usually cooked in unhealthy seed oils (soy, sunflower, safflower, etc) that are high in Omega 6 oil, which contributes to overall inflammation.

  4. Make a mental agreement ahead of time on the number of alcoholic drinks you will consume. Also, for every alcoholic drink you consume, have a glass of sparkling water. 

  5. Do your best to stop consuming food and drink (other than water or herbal tea) at least 2 hours before going to bed. This strategy will help you get a better night’s sleep after a long evening.

  6. If you are taking a dish to share, take a healthy option such as guacamole or hummus with cut up raw or slightly steamed veggies, chicken pesto salad or, one of my favorite go to recipes, a delicious white bean and cherry tomato salad.

Article by: Brenda Savage NASM Certified Nutrition Coach

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