Preparing for the Summer

April's promise for May flowers sure has shown to be true. It is beautiful out here in our Ballard area neighborhoods. My dog Sophie and I are taking advantage of every sunny day to find a new street to enjoy. I'm reminded of our outdoorsy culture here in the PNW as I greet fellow dog-walkers, joggers and the occasional kayak-carrier. 

Many years ago, I was drawn to Seattle by an article in the National Geographic where it said that Seattleites worked to live rather than lived to work. I've come to find this to be true; we appreciate our scenery and get out in it often. 

How does the Ballard Health Club fit into this outdoor equation? Besides our Yoga in the Park program in Ballard Commons Park (starting in Mid-July) or our Afro-Beats celebration at the Ballard Seafood Fest on the main stage, we are here on the corner of 22nd and Market to get you inside the gym and working to strengthen your body in preparation for everything you plan on doing outside this summer. 

Come to a Cycling class to get ready for the hills you will be riding, take Boot Camp and Yoga classes to get ready for your hiking weekends. And put a little bounce in your step with Barre, Zumba, Urban Latin Dance or Afro-Beats classes to get ready for that barbecue dance party you've been wanting to have. 

Start now to prepare yourself for the summer, make the best of this moment by showing up and focusing on your fitness goals so that you can enjoy the life that's ready for you in the PNW all summer long. If you do have that barbecue dance party, please invite me. Until then, I'll see you in class! 

Karen Gamble 
BHC Class Director