Member Spotlight - Julie Augis

How long have you been a member at Ballard Health Club? 

Almost a year and a half. I joined right when you reopened last summer.

What is your favorite piece of equipment or exercise to do in the gym? 

I'm just starting to learn to box, which is really fun and makes me forget I'm doing cardio. Otherwise, I really enjoy training with Netto, specifically on "push" days.

Why do you work out? 

I started working out to stay healthy and keep my energy up. But now, I get motivated by seeing how much stronger I'm getting. And of course, healthy weight management is important to me too.

What do you do to work out?

Mostly strength training with Netto. On my own, I like to ride my bike and walk around Ballard.

What in the gym has worked for you in attaining your goals?

I think coming consistently has helped me get closer to my goals.

Why do you choose to work out at BHC?

I really like the atmosphere at BHC. Everyone is so friendly and happy to help answer questions or show me how to do something. I don't feel that gym intimidation at all. Plus I like supporting a local, neighborhood business.

Anything else you'd like to add?

I look forward to coming to BHC. Working out doesn't seem as much of a chore.