This month in the trainer workout I am going to talk about thoracic mobility.  

Thoracic mobility is the ability of the thoracic spine to move easily in multiple planes of motion:  flexion/extension, rotation of the mid/upper back, side bending, etc. The thoracic spine makes up the middle portion of the back, consisting of 12 vertebrae.

Due to multiple factors of life, including spending hours looking down at our phones, sitting in front of a computer, participating in certain sports (cycling, for example), having tight pecs/lats, etc., we can begin to experience neck/shoulder pain and tightness and begin to assume a slight “hunchback" posture.

Here are some exercises to help with mobility and strengthening the muscles of the upper back:

*Band pull aparts: Hold a handled band in your hands, palms up. Make sure your knees are slightly bent. Pull the band apart, make sure you have a fair bit of tension on the band, pull out to the widest end-range position, gently squeeze shoulder blades together, and release back to center. Work up to 3 sets of 10-20 reps.


*Y on Swiss ball: Lie on ball so mid body is supported. Engage your core and make sure your spine is “neutral” or straight. Start with arms by your side, thumbs up and slowly bring your arms up by your ears, keeping your arms elevated, then rotate back down. Work up to 3 sets of 15.


*Side lying thoracic spine rotation: Lie on side, knees bent at 90 degrees, put a yoga block between your knees. Start with arms straight out in front of you, follow your thumb with your eyes and rotate up and over to the side. Rotate only in the upper back, keep hips neutral and facing the wall in front of you. Work up to 3 sets of 15 on each side.  

WorkoutsBallard Health Club