Member Spotlight - Ashlei McMath

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How long have you been a member at Ballard Health Club? 

 I’ve been a member since April 2021.

 What is your favorite piece of equipment or exercise to do in the gym? 

My favorite equipment is the squat rack, and my favorite exercise is deadlifts because it makes me feel like a badass.

Why do you work out? 

My motivation for working out is fairly simple: It is a way for me to manage my stress and anxiety. After a workout, I feel relaxed and content. It also helps me gain perspective when I’m dealing with a difficult problem at work. 

 What do you do to work out?

Monday – warm-up, squats

Tuesday- cardio day

Wednesday – hip thrusts, bent over row, heel downs, overhead press

Friday – warm-up, deadlifts

Saturday/Sunday – hiking day

 What in the gym has worked for you in attaining your goals?

For me, consistently going to the gym and taking advantage of the free fitness training sessions available with my membership. Being able to get pointers and help from the trainers has helped to push me towards my personal fitness goals. 

 Why do you choose to work out at BHC?

BHC has the best prices of all the places for what I was looking for in a gym. The equipment is top notch and helps me focus on my personal fitness goals. It also had no gimmicks and wasn’t pushing me into trying to get a personal trainer. 

 Anything else you'd like to add?

Can we find a way to get a weight sled at some point? Those things are great and would really supplement my workouts.