Posterior Chain Workout

As we tend to be very forward-focused in myriad aspects of life (career, family and even the muscles we train- here’s looking at you, abs), it’s easy for our posterior muscles to get left *ahem* behind. Try adding these exercises and combos to your current exercise repertoire, or complete all of them in one spicy session to build a strong back, develop the hamstrings and tighten up that derriere. 

  • Dumbbell Reverse Lunge with a pause and a tap (10-12 reps/side x 3 sets)

How to: Stand tall with a single dumbbell held in the center of your chest. Step one foot behind you and lower your back knee down into a lunge, pausing at the bottom and holding for 1 second. Press back up to your starting position, only allowing the toe of the back foot to gently tap the floor. The goal is to keep all the weight in the standing leg. Repeat all repetitions on one side before moving on to the other.

  • Incline Dumbbell Row (8-12 reps)

    • Incline Reverse Flye (8-12 reps x 3 sets)

How to: Adjust a weight bench to a 30-45° incline and lie prone, keeping your core braced and shoulders down and away from your ears. Dumbbells in hand, palms facing each other, inhale to prep and exhale while dragging the weights up towards the ceiling, leading with your elbows. Reverse back to the starting position. Repeat. Immediately follow with Reverse Flyes: Swap to a lighter set of dumbbells and lie prone on the bench again. Roll your shoulders back and down and keep a soft bend in the elbow. Open your arms wide, squeezing the shoulder blades together at the top of the movement. Bring your arms back down, like you’re hugging a tree.

  • Single-Leg Dipping Bird (8-10 reps on one side)

    • Glute Leg Lifts (8-10 reps x 2-3 times per side)

How to: Stand tall and place one foot behind you, only as far as it can go without arching the back. Hold a dumbbell with both hands in front of the standing leg and hinge at the hips, allowing the trailing leg to lift off the ground as you reach your hands towards your shins. Stop when you feel a stretch in your hamstrings, then reverse the movement until your back foot touches the ground again. Complete all reps, then immediately move into the Leg Lifts: At the end of the last repetition, hold the position at the bottom of the hinge and drop the trailing leg to the floor, then lift back up, maintaining a steady position in the torso with your hips square to the floor. This. Should. BURN. Repeat.

  • Reverse-Grip Lat Pulldown (8-12 reps x 3 sets)

How to: Sit at the Lat Pulldown machine and grab the bar with your hands shoulder distance apart, palms facing you. Exhale as you pull the bar down, slightly below the chin, squeezing the shoulder blades at the bottom of the movement. Inhale on the way up and allow the arms to extend all the way or until you feel a stretch in your lats. Be mindful that your shoulders do not travel up towards your ears. Repeat.

  • Swiss Hamstring Curls (10-15 reps x 3 sets)

How to: Lie on your back, palms on the ground with a Swiss ball positioned under your ankles, hip distance apart. Pressing the back of your feet into the ball, lift your body while bending the knees to curl the ball underneath you, maintaining a straight line from the torso to the thighs. Extend the ball out and away from you and lower the body back to the starting position. Repeat.

WorkoutsBallard Health Club