Happy Summer!

July 1, 2021

There have been so many changes in the last 16 months, and now finally  it looks like we may have made it to the other side of this pandemic. Look at us go!  We’ve continued to adapt to our circumstances and rise to the daily challenges of our lives being interrupted. Good job Everyone! Thank you for being a continued part of the class experience at BHC. We’re still working on creating a full in-studio schedule, and in the meantime we have started with a few in person classes in the last month  and are gathering information from you (click here to fill out a form to help us serve you better) to bring more classes back into the studios in an efficient manner. We appreciate your feedback, you’re helping guide us into the future of class offerings.

 We’re excited to see you again in person and to stay connected to you virtually. Life is still in flux as we let go of our masks. Change is challenging, and when you’ve made it through a pandemic it can be really difficult to readjust to “normal” life again. These are my suggestions on how to make your way back to a productive life routine: 

Take it slow- Give yourself a minute to figure out the routine that will serve you best. You’re allowed to take your time with ‘what makes you comfortable’. 

 Be mindful- Listen to your body; what’s the balance of life/work/play/exercise that will let you experience a life well lived?

Stay motivated- Your health (mind and body) is your greatest asset. You’ve got this, keep moving toward your health goals whatever they may be. 

Don’t be too serious- I know this is a weird thing to say post pandemic but a monk I knew used to say this to me because I was often so intent on an outcome that I missed the experience along the way. Allow yourself some room to see a bigger picture than the one thing you may be focused on. Happiness is a part of your health. 

Please take advantage of our free outdoor yoga classes at Sunset Park. Also, please make sure to sign in online through our website for when you plan on attending one of these classes. It will help us keep track of attendance to know if we should continue to offer them in the future. Sign up with a friend, a family member,your dog; these are community events to help keep Ballard the AMAZING place it is. You are a part of that, so please, bring your *amazing* along and let’s do some yoga in the park. 

I’ll see you in class!!!!!

Karen Gamble
Class Director