Full Body Training

Whether you are a beginner or intermediate lifter, training the whole body has a myriad of benefits for strength and physique development. Training muscle groups frequently stimulate muscle protein synthesis, which is a huge factor in growth. For each exercise, bodyweight ground based exercises must be mastered prior to the introduction of load. Once full range of motion is achieved, a dumbbell (in the goblet position, or by sides) is used, and then a barbell is brought into the mix.

Perform 2-3 sets of each exercise for 8-12 repetitions.

  1. Pick a Lower Body Push – bodyweight squat, box squat, goblet squat, bulgarian split squat, step up, front squat, back squat, leg press

  2. Pick a Lower Body Pull – romanian deadlift, glute bridge, deadlift, sumo deadlift, good morning, back extension, reverse hyper, hip thrust, single leg hip thrust

  3. Pick an Upper Body Push – push up, bench press, incline bench press, military press, floor press, close grip bench, overhead press

  4. Pick an Upper Body Pull – chin up, pull up, inverted row, one arm row, barbell bent over row, lat pulldown

  5. Pick a Core Exercise – crunch, side crunch, lying leg raise, front plank, side plank, sit up, hanging leg raise, russian twist, lying leg raises.

Example: (Beginner) – bodyweight box squat, bodyweight glute bridge, dumbbell bench press, one arm row, front plank.

Example: (Advanced) – dumbbell deficit bulgarian split squat, barbell hip thrust, close grip bench press, barbell bent over row, hanging leg raise.

WorkoutsBallard Health Club