Back to Basics: Functional Strength

4 Key Barbell Movements:

- Squat

- Deadlift

- Bench 

- Overhead Press 

4 Alternatives:

- Box Squat w/KB


- Push ups/DB Bench 

- DB Overhead Press 

Sample Workout A

- Squat 5x5

- Bench 5x5

- KB RDL 3x8-10

- Incline DB Bench 3x6-10

- DB Calf Raises 3x10

Sample Workout B

- Deadlift 5x5 

- BB Overhead Press 5x5

- Single Leg Split Squat 3x8/8

- Low Row 3x8-10

- Rear Delt Fly 2x10-12

- Cable Twist/Woodchop 3x8/8

If you’re someone who finds themselves constantly looking for “the next thing” or you’ve felt your progress slowing down lately, it might be time to take things back to basics. There are a few key movements that we should do to strive for control, strength, and comfort within. I, along with many others, would say those movements are the squat, deadlift, bench, and overhead press. 

What’s so special about these lifts is that they simulate the functional movements of everyday life while allowing for a progressive load increase. While there is value in any exercise that’s performed well, I would imagine we all find ourselves lifting heavy things off of the ground far more often in daily life than doing banded kickbacks. (No offense to the kickbacks, those have their purpose too!) We can build our workouts around these movements and then add in the higher rep accessory work afterwards to get the best of both worlds. 

Whether the goal is strength, aesthetics, or feeling better and moving with less pain, these are your cornerstones of practice. So, if you’ve stuck with a routine for a long time and are finding diminishing results, or generally have always lifted in the 10-15 rep range, I would challenge you to shift your focus for the next few months to getting stronger and becoming proficient at these movements. Before you know it, your original goals will manifest simply as a byproduct. Just remember, practice practice practice! Be present, focus on form and how your body feels as it moves and aim for each rep to look the same no matter the weight added. 

Above, I’ve provided 2 sample workouts from my own practice showing how I’ve made each day a full body day to optimize my time in the gym with my life’s busy schedule.

Side note: My suggestion of switching from 10-15 reps down to lower reps and higher weight for this month's workout was because I find that to be the protocol that is needed most. That does not mean that low reps/heavy weight is a magical solution. I would be suggesting the inverse to someone who had found initial success lifting heavy and has stayed with that routine too long. They would benefit greatly from a phase of training that brings these movements into the 10-15 range before returning to heavy lifting.