Here we are in 2022

January 2, 2022

Happy New Year!!! Here we are in 2022. We’ve come so far over these last few years, this must be it. This must be the year we make the changes that catapult us into the life we are meant to live. I know I’m moving in that direction, I know BHC is moving in that direction, and I see you doing it as well. I see it in your faces when you are taking classes. I see it in your attendance in the gym. Every opportunity you take to prioritize your goals pushes you in the direction of your best life. We are all rebuilding from the economic struggles and social constraints of the pandemic. The last few years have been rough on most of us, in one way or another. It is time 2022, we are ready. 

What else are you doing to keep your personal mojo going? I hope you are taking every opportunity that presents itself for you to live your best life and find your best self. We at BHC can’t be there every moment of your day, but we are open 7 days a week and are doing our best to keep you moving and safe. Classes are still streaming, and we are continuing to bring more into the studios. Come February, we plan on adding more yoga, step, barre and cycling classes. If all goes well with social precautions against the latest Omicron variant, we plan on moving full steam ahead into the future. How exciting. I’ll see you in class.

Karen Gamble
Class Director