Low Effort Meal Prepping: Energy Smoothies

I love breakfast, and regardless of whether I have a 4am baking shift or am running out the door to an early workout, I am determined to start my day with a filling nutritious meal. With only minutes to spare, reaching for meal prepped smoothies makes starting a high energy day easier and more fulfilling than any grocery store protein bar.

All you need are reusable plastic containers, bananas, fruits and vegetables, and whatever protein powder or nutrient dense add-ins you prefer. 

Here’s my go-to prep, which last for three breakfasts:

  1. Get three pint sized deli containers. Fill all with a generous fistful of raw spinach, or a half cup of frozen spinach.

  2. Roughly chop up two large bananas and two kiwis, and divide equally between the cups. Make sure bananas are on top.

  3. Stack cups in your freezer, and pull out for breakfast.

  4. Pour contents into blender, add ¾ cup of milk of choice, 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder, 1-2 teaspoons chia or flax. Blend until creamy!

With this recipe, you will get over 5 grams of fiber, 35 grams of carbohydrates, 0 added sugars (depending on your protein powder!), and a full serving of protein. Add a piece of toast for extra carbohydrates, and you’ve got a meal to fuel your energy without weighing you down!

by MacKenzie Patton-Donnelly