In Appreciation of Fall

November 3, 2021

Have you had the opportunity to enjoy the Fall colors? Ballard has been exceptionally beautiful this year. If the tree out my balcony is any indication, by the time you are reading this the last leaves may have fallen. If not, get on out there before it’s too late! There is no time to waste when it comes to appreciating what is right in front of you. 

On the corner of 56th and 22nd, the Ballard Health Club is at the forefront of our Ballard community. We appreciate all of our members that have continued with us online and also those that have come back into the gym. We’re slowly adding new studio classes; Taylor has added another Zumba class on Wednesday evening,  on Monday nights we have yoga with Amanda and we’ll be adding a Monday morning with Hattie soon too.  And of course, our super man Jose is back teaching Step. Oh, and I can’t forget to mention that we have arranged to have Silver Sneaker Classes at the Leif Erikson Hall on Wednesday mornings with Hattie! What classes are you excited to see come back into the studio? 

Navigating a return to in-studio classes after a pandemic has been challenging, but with these challenges has come an outpouring of support, kindness, assistance, growth, change, resilience and abundance.  Pat and all of us at BHC have worked hard to adapt and adapt and adapt to the changing climate of pandemic norms. It’s made us appreciate our community and your support all the more. It also makes us appreciate one another. I have to give a big shout out to all of our wonderful instructors who have kept our classes going. We have a loyal staff of talented instructors that is continually growing, I mentioned Amanda on Monday evenings in studio Y, we also have Chad virtually on Tues/Thurs mornings for bootcamp. Please check them out!

We will have a couple of Thanksgiving offerings, Aurora and  MJ will celebrate with you at 8:30am and 10:00am respectively. And MJ will also offer a holiday Sound Bath in Studio Y as a workshop on December 11th. Those tickets will go fast, they will be available on November 11.

Now, what’s in front of you? What are the many things that are working in your favor? Let us be a part of the daily things you appreciate about your health and life. Come join us for a class in-studio or online, you’re one of the many things we appreciate. Thank you.

I’ll see you in class!

Karen Gamble
Class Director